Arts Maebashi


PLAYERS – Art starts from plays

2014.07.05 - 2014.09.15

【Past Exhibition】

Childhood dreams and curiosity make people imagination rich as plays and personal experiences deeply influence artists’ creative activity.
This exhibition,  titled PLAYERS,  will turn your attention to creativity inspired  from “plays” involving imagination. It will also introduce you to artists  who  are connected by contemporary creative activities originating from ideas inspired by childhood plays and handmade personal experiences.

5 July 2014 –15 September 2014

Venue : Arts Maebashi

Open hours : 11:00-19:00 (Last admittance: 30 min. before closing)
Closed on Wednesdays

Admission :
Adult 500 (300) yen
University Students 300 yen
Over 65 years old 300 yen
Free for High School Students and Under
Fares in brackets are rates for groups of 10 or more.
For a limited time only, visitors who will meet at least one of the following conditions  will get a discount and have their admission fee reduced to 300 yen.
⋆ Yukata discount: for visitors who will be wearing a yukata.
⋆ Family discount: for visitors who will be coming with children.
⋆ Hot days discount: for visitors who will be coming on days above 35°C.

Organizer: Arts Maebashi
AO Shusuke (1981-)
参考写真《Operation  A》2012年/和紙にデジタルプリント、他/撮影:高橋洋介
青秀祐《Operation  A》2012年/和紙にデジタルプリント、他/撮影:高橋洋介

OHIRA Takayuki (1970-)

KOSUGE1-16 (TSUCHIYA Takashi; 1977- , KURUMADA Chishino; 1977- )

TAKANI Yoshiyuki(1935-)
高荷義之《F-16 エア・コンバットファイター》
高荷義之《F-16 エア・コンバットファイター》 1977年/ボード紙、アクリル絵具/株式会社タミヤ蔵

KOMATSUZAKI Shigeru (1915-2001)

SEKIGUCHI Kotaro (1983-)

HACHIYA Kazuhiko (1966-)
M-01 1/5

MITSUYA Toshihiko (1979-)
参考写真《Anonymous relatives - gardener -》2013
三家俊彦《Anonymous relatives – gardener -》2013/アルミホイル

Playmakers Workshop
Lecturer : KOSUGE1-16
①Date & Time : Sunday, 6 July 2014 , 14:00-16:00
②Date & Time : Saturday, 26 July 2014 , 14:00-16:00

Tyoukoku 1,000 tai Tsukurunja Workshop (Creating 1,000 Sculptures Workshop)
Lecturer :SEKIGUCHI Kotaro
Date & Time : Saturday, 8 August 2014-9 August 2014 , 10:00-12:30, 13:30-16:00

Café Talk
Lecturer : HACHIYA Kazuhiko
Date & Time : Sunday, 31 August 2014 , 16:00-18:00

